"Having an event? Skip the pens & hire Genius Steals. It will be your smartest investment."
- Marketing Manager, Microsoft
Faris and Rosie are the global keynote speakers you need to inspire your organization to think differently.
Their high energy presentation is sure to leave the audience feeling inspired, but they’ll also walk away with ideas they can implement immediately.
Corporate workshops and conference keynotes that don’t put people to sleep.
We’re not here to present a creds deck, and we don’t have something we’re trying to sell to your audience. One of our core products is public speaking, We make keynotes stimulating and fun, so that audience leaves feeling inspired, exhilarated, and ready to take action.
Paid Attention: How Brands Can Succeed In An Attention-Deficit World
Suggested Audience | Advertising and Marketing Professionals, Media Buyers & Planners, Brand Managers
Talk Description | Are consumers paying attention to the attention we're paying for? Attention is the foundation of all communication, but it's a subjective phenomenon - Not something we can cut up and put under a microscope. So what do we actually know about it? Through live experiments with the audience, we’ll learn about directionality, capacity, inattentional blindness, the McGurk effect. We’ll explore communications in an attention-deficit world where ad-blocking, fraudulent views, and "nonviewable impressions" have become the norm
Presented & Customized For | Air NewZealand, Coca Cola, Subway, conferences in the US, the UK, Brazil, Bulgaria, Oslo, Belgium, and advertising agencies in New York, London, France, New Zealand, Australia
Dangerous Binaries: An Argument For Exploring the Grey
Suggested Audience | Executive Leadership, Advertising and Marketing Professionals, Brand Managers
Talk Description | Six years ago Faris and Rosie formed the nomadic creative consultancy Genius Steals by dismantling assumptions about what an agency is. Since then, they have worked with companies across disciplines and geographies around the world, giving them unique insight into the trends and forces impacting consumers and brands. You’ll hear provocations from them on creativity in the communications world and learn how they define a middle way forward -- based on the way they believe companies should behave in response to client needs, and what clients are willing to pay for.
Presented & Customized For | conferences in the US, the UK, Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania
Many more topics with descriptions & key learnings available here. Custom keynotes are always available upon request.
We also have a handy one-pager you can download and share with your boss or event organizer.
As Kurt Vonnegut said, "Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted."
If you're looking for public appearances, subscribe to Strands of Genius, where we'll announce any keynotes that are open to the general public. We also share our locations via a public Google Calendar.
do you ever speak for free?
It takes a time and effort to make presentations that are truly engaging, so this is not something we do for free. But, we do have a few places we're dying to check out. If you happen to have a speaking opportunity in one of those places, and we're free on your dates, we'll waive our speaking fees (though the small print applies: you'll still be responsible for travel, accommodation & any necessary visa requirements.)
If you're looking for a speaker at an event in one of these cities, get in touch - you might just be in luck!
“My goal by bringing you in was to better equip us to take client briefs, but we did so much more. We planted the seeds of a bigger picture thinking about the ecosystem we are part of and the role we can play in it, and I've definitely seen these seedlings grow recently. In the workshops, we saw an evolution from: "Wow, this is way over my head but ok, it's interesting" for the first workshop to: "Wow, I can do this and this is fun, I want more of it" at the last one, and I could not be more pleased. The workshop enthused my strategy and social media management team with the possibilities that lay ahead, and I like to think that it helped flip a switch in most of our other team members' heads.” - Director of Strategy, The Social Element
Rosie and Faris took a chance on us as we booked our first event in a COVID world. Throughout the engagement their team and they met every promise and delivered exceptional customer service. They kicked off our event with a high energy, fun, and thoughtful presentation that inspired our audience to look outside of themselves and their organizations for ideas. They masterfully wove in themes that resonated with our audience and conducted a fun Power of Play workshop that gave us ways to make our meetings suck less. Thank you for all that you did to join us during this challenging time and make our event a success. They rock! - Vice President, Communications, SPN
“Generally, a facilitator or key note speaker takes a high level view of the agenda and plugs a generic keynote about leadership, teamwork into the week. It might be slightly tweaked for the meeting’s theme or audience. Not Genius Steals. Rosie & Faris took the time to research and understand the specific goals for the meeting and the audience. They created bespoke presentations, workshops, and themeing that directly addressed the key take-aways my client needed to convey at the meeting. On stage, the audience was rapt. They were engaging, funny, and intelligent. They even took time to mingle with the attendees throughout the meeting to understand the audience perspective on the topics addressed by the client and by extension, themselves. From a logistics perspective and operations perspective, they were a dream. Easy to reach, easy to organize, easy listeners. Rosie & Faris readily became a part of our team. I knew they were the right fit for my client’s need, but I didn’t anticipate the extraordinary feedback we received from everyone at the event. They were the toast of the event – literally.”
- VP Event Planning, Meeting Advice
“Genius Steals helped us construct an engaging platform for our InterContinental Leadership Summit, lead us in a fun and meaningful team building activity, delivered inspiring brand experience and leadership keynotes and facilitated a differentiation workshop that will impact the future of our brand. But most importantly, their level of thinking exceeded our expectations and inspired us to think about the brand experience in a more innovative and holistic way. They raised the bar for a group of very passionate and experienced General Managers and branders, which is no easy feat. We are eager to work with them again when the opportunity arises.”
- Senior Brand Manager, InterContinental
“You guys rock! You lifted us to think bigger. You inspired us to take action. And you infused us with fun and funny – you guys are so special. Thank you so much for your partnership over the past few weeks. You have both been fabulous to work with.”
- Group Director, Digital Platforms & Innovation, Coca-Cola
Austin, TX, USA : SXSWi | Boston, MA, USA : MIT Futures of Entertainment | Brighton, UK : DOTS | Bucharest, Romania : Idea Forum | Chicago, IL, USA : How Design Live | Columbus, OH, USA : CSCA | Halifax, Canada : Halifax Pop Explosion | Hamburg, Germany : Art Director's Club Conference | Johannesburg, South Africa : Brands in a Digital World | Kansas City, MO, USA | London, Ontario : 3M | London, UK | Madrid, Spain : IAB Inspiration Conference | Melbourne, Australia | Mexico City, Mexico | Munich, Germany | New York, NY, USA : Social Media Week, Internet Week, Creative Week, Wired Conference, Mashable Media Summit, PSFK Conference, Interesting NY, TedXSiliconAlley, NYU's ITP, Fordham, IAB Mobile Conference | Oslo, Norway : Gultaggen | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil : Wave Festival | Rotterdam, Netherlands : Summerfest | Rovinj, Croatia : Days of Communication | Seattle, WA, USA | Stockholm, Sweden : Guldagget | Sydney, Australia : B&T Conference, Creative Circus, Google | Toronto, Canada : NXNEi